Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Quote Day

'Tis the first Friday of Christmas month, and you get a present! Save the image at left (I think all you have to do is click on it and it will open by itself in a new window), print it on cardstock, laminate it, punch a hole where the black circle is and tie some leftover yarn through the hole. Every time you use your new bookmark you'll think of me!

Actually, I hope you think of being ready – or getting ready – to change, not of me.

If willpower worked, we'd all be thin and sober, no one would smoke and everyone would finish what they started, be it a marathon or a home remodeling project or a boring, endless baby blanket.

(You can tell what's on my list of Things That Need To Be Finished, can't you?)

I'm sober and I no longer smoke. And it didn't take an ounce of willpower to accomplish either. I simply wanted to not drink or smoke more than I wanted to. I was ready to be a non-smoker and a recovering alcoholic.

Am I ready to be thin again? Are you?


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'm ready to be thin. That's actually kind of scary. But I'm definitely ready to be healthier and thinNER. It's why I was able to let go of the Diet Coke, of much of the junky nibbles that I adored. I was just ready not to eat them. It's definitely not willpower as much as the readiness to change.

Thanks for the reminder - and the bookmark :)

Cindy said...

THanks for the bookmark, and yes, I am ready. I also just took up knitting!!! I gave up drinking 20 years ago because I'd had enough and was ready to change my life. Food has been tricker but I became willing to change that in 2006, but I have hit a slump of sorts. Going to read your blog now. Thanks!

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