Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A month of blogging

National Blog Posting Month begins today. How do the holidays sneak up on me like this!?!

This will be my first year participating in the exercise to publish a daily post for 30 days. Including weekends. I don't have much trouble, unless I'm busy or out of town, throwing a post up Monday through Friday, but I take the weekends off, for the most part. So this will be interesting.

I also will be traveling in November a couple of times, and being away from my own little computer space always throws me off. I have, in fact, been traveling today, which is why your usual dose of Knit. Run. Reap. Eat. sunshine didn't show up at dawn.

It's not too late if you want to join more than 1000 other regular bloggers in making a daily writing commitment. Clicking the link at the top of the page or the badge at the right will send you to the website where you can sign up. Saturday is the cut-off date to be included in the blogroll.

Should you get stuck for a topic, you can take advantage of a daily writing prompt on the website. I don't need it today, but I'm not going to ignore them, as I think these prompts will help expand my view and improve my writing.

I had planned to write a great post today about meeting another blogger, someone whose work I've admired for years. But we had to cancel our coffee date, and will try again another time when I'm in her neck of the woods. I love reading about meetings between bloggers. I'd hoped to include the ubiquitous arms'-length portrait, but you'll have to settle for a peek at her website.

My weekend was quite fun and jam-packed with candy-filled activities. Fortunately for me the princess bride likes candy as much as I do, and shared only what she really didn't care for. Twizzler, anyone? She kept the chocolate all to herself and I came away pretty much unscathed.

I have a day and a half to regroup and then I'm off again. Though some would say I've been off most of my life. Thanks for reading. One day down, 29 to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not a blogger, but I do look online on weekends, so I'm looking forward to all the weekend posts!

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