Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's my blog and I can do what I want to

But I also want to know if I'll be driving you away.

I currently have three blogs. The first was the Shrinking Knitter, which I no longer update. It morphed into Knit. Run. Repeat., which was renamed Knit. Run. Reap. Eat. after I caught the gardening bug.

The third is my Project 365 blog. To make my life a teensy bit easier, I'm considering publishing my picture-a-day posts here instead of there.

What say you? Will it be annoying or does it not bother you in the slightest?

In other news, I got a little more of the garden tilled yesterday, weeded one row of onions and planted another. I'm very tempted to rake the straw off the strawberries and pull the weeds that have kind of overtaken that area of the garden, but it's still March, fercryinoutloud. Kinda early to expose them to nighttime temperature still in the 40s.

The daytime temperatures have been quite summerlike, lovely and energizing. The asparagus stalks are plentiful, even this early, and I pulled some of them and some onions to add to our pesto pasta (whole wheat, thankyouverymuch) last night.

I think sticking with South Beach will be easier once the garden gets going, because I would much rather prepare vegetables I harvest myself than the ones I buy at the market. I'm like a six-year-old in that respect. I keep thinking every year that the magic will wear off and that gardening, especially vegetable gardening, will be a Big Chore and Something I'd Rather Not Mess With. But it hasn't happened yet.

I'm predicting it will happen the same year we decide to sell this place and move to a condo in the city. Heh.


denise said...

Posting your pictures here doesn't bother me at all. If you want to drive me away, you'll need to try harder than that! :-)

D said...

I'm all for ease and efficiency...posting your picture-a-day here sounds like a great idea.

gingerzingi said...

Well, I only ever come here, so it's fine with me if you consolidate!

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