Friday, April 20, 2012

Look out, look out!

The spammers are coming!

Actually it was only one, but s/he left comments on two different posts. People like that should get a life.

So last night was pretty fun. Because I have a life! Heh. I went to the monthly meeting of our local county Democratic women's group. I'm the Democratic woman in charge of the group, and I'd invited a woman I met six years ago during a Congressional campaign to come talk with us about the upcoming Presidential race. She has a calm, even manner and has lots of experience with phone-banking and canvassing and registering voters. She actually QUIT HER JOB to work for Obama during his first campaign. She really inspired our group.

Members who have sent new-member post card invitations all got little treat bags like this one:

I was busy most of yesterday getting things ready for the meeting, and thus skipped the walk I usually take on Thursdays. But being busy means I'm not bored, and I eat more when I'm bored than when I'm busy. Except for a snack-sized peppermint patty. Or two.

As I was telling someone just this morning, event-planning is fun. I love finding ideas like the "mint" bag and putting my own spin on it. When I saw it on Pinterest, it was presented as a teacher-appreciation gift. I also made flyers (or is that fliers?) to solicit donations for a fund-raising walk for our state associations PAC (Political Action Committee). And a thank-you card for our speaker. And a salad and cookies to go with the Pizza Hut pizzas we had for dinner.

As I was also telling someone just this morning, it's always nice when the event is over!

Have a great weekend. Looks like stormy weather is headed our way – Mother Nature's way of telling me it's time to get out of the garden and clean my house!

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