Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Three hours

I was in the tomato patch yesterday from noon to 3 and didn't even get hot. It was a glorious day for pruning and staking tomatoes. Many of the Amish pastes are just beginning to go from green to yellow, and I had enough ripe cherry tomatoes to chop and add to our omelettes last night. Also picked the first zucchini.

Do you think I'll ever get over the delight of the first crop of the season? I hope not!

I also finished the bulk of a design project, 25 booklets of love letters from a friend's multiple-great grandfather to his betrothed. All that's left to do is assembly, the printing is done, done, done.

So. A productive day, all in all.

My brother, who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida reported this morning that the downtown streets in his town have three to four feet of water coursing through them. No one has lost power in his immediate area, thank goodness, but he ran out of texts on his phone and had to wait until he could get to work to e-mail me. (He is home computer-less. And he likes it that way.) If you're affected by Tropical Storm Debby, please don't think of me. She spells her name differently. Just sayin'! Heh.

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