Wednesday, April 10, 2013

'Tis a work day

And again, I got up a little later than I usually do and find myself scrambling for my "me" time before I go to the garden center.

The weather outside is DELIGHTFUL, and it will be a good day to be outdoors. The temperature should get into the low 80s by this afternoon.

As both of you know, I volunteer at a women's prison on Tuesday evenings. I kind of expected it to cool off last night, so I wore a long-sleeved top. When I got into the room where we meet, it was NINETY-TWO FREAKIN' DEGREES! I thought some of the women were going to pass out.

We got permission from the staff to meet outside. The prison has this crazy rule that they keep the heat on in all buildings until May 1. What's bad about that is that it frequently gets pretty chilly in May, when no heat at all is available. I'm quite sure I could save the government some money if they put me in charge of the Bureau of Prisons. I especially have some ideas on how to reduce payroll expenses. Heh.

I hope you're having a good week so far, and if spring is supposed to be springing, I hope you can get outdoors to enjoy it. That's exactly what I plan to do.

Right now.


denise said...

Sounds like a hotel in NYC...or at least it was so back in the 90's. I stayed at a large chain hotel not far from Times Square in October. I was there doing a project for my company. There was an unusual October heat wave and the hotel had turned off the AC...for the whole building!

It was so miserable. I would come back each night and strip down and lay on the bed trying to cool off - but there was no air moving. As you might imagine in a high rise, the windows didn't open. Ugh! It was awful.

Winnie said...

Heat was blaring on my railroad train the other day and it was in the 80's. I had nothing on that I could take off without getting fined (or arrested!). It was miserable. Yet my ticket is over 400 dollars a month..Save money, cut the heat off.. Enjoy the weekend!

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