Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm so awesome


We're all awesome. Just to be clear. Truly. All of us.

But I just took the screenshot of Week 6 of the Cto5K workouts and I'm telling you what:


You can see that several days elapsed from Day 2 to Day 3. Several days of travel and illness. Several days where I had NO energy. Two of which I just simply stayed in bed. And the rest of those days I could only walk. No running was possible AT ALL.

All that rest was, apparently, a good thing for running 22 straight minutes. The first two days the running intervals were broken up with short periods of walking. Yesterday was the continuous run. The app lets me know when I'm at the halfway point, so I knew I was just slightly slower than I needed to be to hit two miles. Alas, I just didn't have it in me. But .04 of a mile short is, um, pretty awesome! Yes? Yes!

In other goal-oriented news, my quest to log 150 miles this month is within sight. I absolutely have to average five miles a day for the next nine days (including today) to make it. When I was lying in bed with that sore throat I thought I'd have to let that goal go. But five miles a day? I'm on it, doggone it!

I spent most of the afternoon purging yarn. I have bags and bags and BAGS of it to donate – at least a dozen kitchen-sized trash bags. And I still have enough yarn for a lifetime of knitting. My plan to keep only enough for a couple dozen projects wasn't viable at all. If I had a sweater's worth of yarn and no sweater pattern for it, I kept it anyway (if I loved it).

It's interesting how much I loved XYZ yarn when I bought it, and how easy it was to toss (some of) it in a bag yesterday. I was feeling ruthless and efficient and determined and motivated. I hope I feel equally ruthless, efficient, determined and motivated today when I continue the purge.

So we went out last evening, and I recorded the Anderson Cooper interview with Antoinette Tuff. I haven't watched it yet, but my husband did and left a note on my desk: "You're going to love the interview."

I'm sure I will. Because … Antoinette Tuff? She's AWESOME! In fact, I think I'll go watch it now.

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