Friday, February 7, 2014

So that went well

I spent a good part of yesterday gathering together, in print and digital form, examples of my past graphic design work, as I would if I were applying for a position. The meeting I went to turned out to be not like that at all. I didn't have to show a thing (all those nerves for nothing!). I'm an appointed member of the committee, and I'll be working with another woman designing a local foundation's annual report.

Without "auditioning" at all. Yay!

The nice thing is that by prioritizing what needed to happen yesterday, I was able, after all, to take a short walk. Yay again! It was too cold to go much farther than two miles, so I didn't. But as I posted on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter – two miles is better than no miles.

Six days of February walks/runs = 32 miles – half the total distance for January. Which gives you some idea of just how brutal January was here in the Middle of Nowhere.

Looks like a mid- to late-afternoon walk will happen today, when the temperature rises to a balmy 34°. Which is better than yesterday's 22° by a long shot!

I made a paleo apple crisp-ish dessert a couple nights ago, which was a multi-step process, as I first had to make the granola topping. I must say, the completed dessert was tasty but the granola? Delicious! I could seriously eat too much of this.
On the left: Into the oven it goes. On the right: Topping the apple mixture.
No oats at all, but it sure looks – and tastes – like good old-fashioned granola.
I shopped for kid Valentines yesterday but didn't find anything I liked. So I think I'm going to make at least five of them (for the five-and-under grandchildren) after all. I have an old printer that should do the job. I found some silly riddles online and used a business card template to print the questions and answers separately. I'll slap the question on the front, the answers inside and call it DONE! I'll buy cards for the two older ones today.

Thanks for reading. This is very possibly the most boring post I've ever written. You are both THE BEST!

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