Monday, May 5, 2014

Okay, so it's been a while

The break felt good. The daily posting streak continues, thanks to photo-a-day, but I just didn't have it in me to write much of anything the past few days.

To be honest, I don't have much to write about even now. It's been too windy to till (I don't care for all that dust blowing up my nose and in my eyes), so the garden remains fallow.

The walking streak continues … 26 days straight now, averaging more than five miles per day. I was bitten by a dog last Thursday on my favorite road (third bite from the same household of dogs) and haven't been back since. That road is flat and shady and follows a little creek and is absolutely lovely for walking.

My road is hilly and not shady and follows a bunch of empty fields. I'm not saying it isn't lovely, because we do have some beautiful views here, but it isn't lovely like Indian Creek is. But after a conversation with the dog owner we just don't feel as though we can safely walk there any longer.

So sad.

It's amazing that it took seven wheelbarrows full of mulch
– and two hours of labor! – to cover this small space. 
That's the bad news. The good news is: The rowing machine is FIXED! I'm very happy about that, and I put it to work yesterday afternoon. Yesterday, in fact, was one of my more active days of late. I walked four miles in the morning, spread seven wheelbarrows full of mulch around and between two trees while my friend was working on the rower, rowed for 30 minutes later in the afternoon and walked another two miles after that.

I'm still doing the Whole 30 with Gingerzingi. And I still haven't lost any more weight. But all the other benefits of eating this way are still with me – energy, good sleep, lack of pain – so I'm sticking with it.

The graphic design project I've been working on for several weeks if at the printer. I have some web design projects to do, but I think I'll wait a couple days before I plunge back into "work." The blog break was nice … I think a work break also is in order.

No such thing as a workOUT break, though. I'll be tiptoeing between raindrops and thunderstorms today, but I WILL add at least five more miles to the total. I'm OBSESSED with that 1,500-mile goal. I guess there are worse things with which I could be fixated, right?


Vickie said...

In the city we would file a complaint with animal control, but in the country I am not sure if there is anything to be done. My mind, honestly, went to mace, if it was one of my kids and the dog. . .

Very glad about your rower. Sore today? It always hits me about 4pm the next day after morning workout.

Debbi said...

I was sore yesterday from the rower but feel fine today. I'm going to row every other day. No need going crazy!

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