Sunday, January 25, 2015

Better this morning. So far.

I really had to lay low yesterday. I know some people can lose their lunch (or, in my case, breakfast) and feel terrific – I'm not one of those people. When I throw up I feel uneasy and ill for a long time afterward.

So I didn't walk, partly because of that and partly because it was just too freakin' cold! But yesterday was the first off-day after 10 straight days of four-mile-a-day walks, so I think I can give myself a pass.

And dinner stayed down. I went off-plan and had some saltines with my soup. And I had saltines a little earlier in the day, as well. Saltines when you're sick is a given, right? It will be interesting to see if that right-hip pain returns as a result.

I. Miss. Football.

That. Is. All.


Anonymous said...

What in the world? Do you have any idea what caused this?

I hope you feel better soon!

Yes, Saltines are a given.

Caverta Online said...

You will get better soon..

Amandalicious said...

Oh no! I hope that you feel better soon. Take it easy!

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