Sunday, June 14, 2015


One of my favorite parts of any event is coming up with favors.
The blue item on the left is a tiny matchbook notepad using a
paint chip for the cover. My business card is on the right, plus
candy. Workshop attendees NEED candy, right?
If I made my living doing presentations like I did yesterday, I think I'd be very happy. The fun part was creating it. Actually presenting was kind of nerve-wracking – I've never watched a presentation that went 100 percent smoothly, and mine was no exception – but it went.

We had a pretty good turnout, and the feedback was positive. Now to see if any of these club leaders actually follows up and begins using social media.

Part of our meeting was also watching Hillary Clinton's campaign kick-off speech, and it was so fun being with a room full of like-minded people! It reminded me of the early Obama campaign. We had house parties for lots of major events back then. I'd love for that kind of enthusiasm to catch fire again. Honestly, though, Clinton doesn't have the spark that Obama did.

She certainly (in my opinion) has the credentials and experience to be President, though.

I was SO TIRED when I came home yesterday. Being "on" took more out of me than I'd thought it would. But you were right, Timi: It was, indeed, very satisfying to finish and present the project, and now I can say I'm not a Keynote (Apple's version of PowerPoint) virgin.


Anonymous said...

It was a great day! I will certainly be tweaking my posts and tweets! #YSBH

Timi Townsend said...

Sounds fabulous, Debbi! I'm so proud of you. And exhaustion can be seen as a kind of well-deserved reward, if you can wrap your mind around that formulation! :)

Anonymous said...

So glad it went well! You put so much work into this. I'm not at all surprised it was well-received. You're awesome.

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