Friday, January 5, 2018

Too soon

It's much too soon in the year to consider abandoning the writing intention. But that thought seriously went through my head yesterday.

Now I don't have to write about my goals or progress, but that seems to be how I've begun. And I'm not doing so great on any front as of the 11th day of Christmas.

It's so too soon to stop trying.

Moving on.

Dinner last night was lovely. I lit tons of candles, which actually added warmth both in atmosphere and in temperature. We've never had a fire in our fireplace, and neither my husband nor I know anything about fires in fireplaces, so I put a bunch of white candles in there a long time ago. It's beautiful when they're all lit; we just don't light them very often.

My original plan was to make a couple different kinds of pizza, but then I found this soup recipe and switched gears entirely. Oh, my, was it ever delicious. In addition to chopped peanuts and cilantro as garnishes/flavor enhancers, I offered crispy bacon bits, which were a perfect topping for the peanutty flavor of the soup, which was thick and layered with flavor.

It also was good to serve something light(er). With good bread and pumpkin (a vegetable!) pie for dessert, we were satisfied, but not stuffed.

And the Whole 30 begins today, an opportunity to reset my appetite after too many holiday indulgences. I'm seriously looking forward to it. I'll go through the pantry today and clear out anything I won't be using. Whether I box it all up and donate it or just box it all up and store it out of sight is a decision I haven't yet made. But it will be boxed up.

Today is a good day to …

be kind.

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