Thursday, July 8, 2021

Three down


THREE 10,000-plus step days.

Am I back on track? Maybe I am.

I woke up really early – around 2 am – and couldn't get back to sleep. So I got up, worked on a computer project for a while, had breakfast and coffee, and went back to bed at 4. I slept until 7 am.

After 45 minutes or so, I started rummaging around in the kitchen. I had a bowl of fresh fruit salad, and was satisfied. Fifteen minutes later I went back looking for something else and realized:

a. I wasn't hungry. I also wasn't hungry when I ate the fruit salad.

b. I wanted to be hungry for lunch, because food always tastes better when you're hungry. And

c. I'm meeting friends for lunch, one of whom is lifetime on WW. Just knowing she'll be there is helping me stay on track.

Stress is my constant companion, as I anticipate caring for my husband while he goes through chemotherapy. And an esophagectomy. We've been through the chemo once before, and it wasn't awful, but he's getting different drugs this time. Stronger, more toxic drugs, that will cause permanent damage.

Not knowing what's going to happen is the current stress. I'm really working on staying in the present moment. But it's hard, y'all!

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