Thursday, January 29, 2009

The forecast? Partly cloudy and cold.

The rest of this week will be cold and partly cloudy, except for tomorrow when it’s supposed to snow. Again. We’re fortunate not to have lost power the past couple of days, as so many others have. We kind of expected to, especially Tuesday when it was icy and yesterday when it was very windy.

Partly cloudy describes my mood most of the time lately. I do believe I’ve had enough winter for this year, thankyouverymuch.

When my husband first retired we thought we might make an annual winter trip to Florida. I know you Floridians hate snowbirds, but really, we’re very nice people. We went last year, but then the stock market tanked (and our retirement account with it), and it just doesn’t seem prudent to spend that much money to avoid a little cold weather.

My dad is still in the hospital, and he would rather be home if we head south, figuring his wife might need some help when he’s released. (He would be the first to tell you it sucks to get old.) Right now I’m planning to make a solo trip next month sometime.

As I’ve mentioned here previously, all my dad’s health issues stem from not managing his diabetes. I would say they stem from obesity, but not every fat person gets diabetes. Considering my family history, though, it’s on my horizon if I don’t get a handle on things soon. I ate well yesterday, but still haven’t found time to get on the treadmill.

Our bathroom worker bees are finished; I’m the only one left, and I’m the painter bee. While painting is a lot of work, it doesn’t quite fall into the aerobic category. Actually I just want to be outside.

If only it weren’t so darned cold.

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