Thursday, January 15, 2009

The treadmill works!

I can’t remember (and am too lazy to check) if I mentioned our treadmill quit working New Year’s Day. I was jogging along and noticed that creepy smell of something electrical burning and then the treadmill suddenly stopped. In less than a minute it started up again, and about a minute later the burning smell was stronger and the machine quit again. I turned it off.

Here we are, two weeks and six pounds later, and we finally had someone come take a look at it. Turns out there’s an automatic cut-off so the motor won’t burn itself up, and the belt is a little off-center. Our friend who knows all things electrical said we can’t hurt it and if it quits again we just have to wait a couple minutes for it to cool down. He didn’t have the right size allen wrench (nor did I, no big surprise there) with him, so next time he comes – next week, to begin remodeling our bathroom – he’ll make the necessary adjustment to the belt and we’ll be good as new.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve missed the treadmill this week. Seriously! I never thought I’d say that. It’s too cold and windy to walk outside, I still haven’t fixed the rowing machine and I am, frankly, tired of sitting on my ass. Who knew my body craved exercise?

Of course if it was “just” exercise, I could have lifted some dumbbells. I actually did do some crunches and push-ups when I was traveling. So it’s still mind over matter, but with a working treadmill at least I’ll be able to work up a sweat in a way that is, to me, more pleasurable than lifting weights.

I can’t believe I just wrote that. I just hope I remember it in six weeks when winter is still here, it’s still too cold to walk outside and I’m still trying to lose some weight. Y’all have permission to remind me when you hear me bitching about that damned boring treadmill. Heh.

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