Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What a difference a day makes

It's no big secret that I've been struggling emotionally this winter. I put on a happy face, most of the time, but there've been days when that just hasn't been possible. I've never been so affected by cold, grey days as I have this year.

The good thing is I know I'm not alone.

And the good thing also is:

  • I'm not ill (our patient was released yesterday and we are very encouraged by her rapid recovery – IV anitbiotics are miracle drugs)
  • My house hasn't burned to the ground (as happened to a friend right around New Year's) and
  • We have enough savings to replace the dead refrigerator (even though we hadn't planned for a new major appliance purchase this year)

We had a couple hours to kill prior to the hospital discharge yesterday, and began our walk here at home. It was far too icy to even get down the driveway, so we drove to town and walked there, a little more than four miles! Oh, my, was that ever good for the soul.

The robins are fat and sassy and everywhere. They don't migrate south from our part of the state, but they surely do go into hiding when it's cold. It was wonderful seeing tree after tree along the river dotted with red-breasted robins. I tried to get a picture but they were camera-shy, and flew away upon my approach.

I have an appointment this morning, after which I hope to get a very long walk in – trying to make up that mileage – and then we'll be going refrigerator-shopping and out for dinner.

Another good thing? I lost a pound this week. Must be all that running up and down stairs to get to the tiny refrigerator on the second floor of the garage.

I hope, if you're as tired of winter as I am, that you also are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And that the tunnel isn't carved of snow drifts!

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