Thursday, January 22, 2009

I think too much

It occurred to me yesterday as I was walking on the treadmill that the new year has finally started. Now that President Obama has been sworn in, we can all turn over our new leaves and begin anew. Oh, and we can breathe again.

For me, personally, the first couple weeks of this year were filled with travel, and I’ve spent the past week getting ready for our inauguration party. We still have family members who are ill and we’re starting a bathroom remodel project today. Life goes on.

But this new chapter in our country’s history is something I, personally, have worked for and fought for and now that the first goal has been met I feel like it’s really and truly time to get busy with my own personal health plan again.

How can I work for national health care reform if I’m not in good shape, mentally and physically? For me, physical health leads to improved mental status. Right now I have to push myself to get on the treadmill. I would so much rather be outside, but it’s still too cold. Maybe tomorrow afternoon … it’s supposed to reach a high of 55, and that’s an ideal temperature for a good brisk walk.

I’m not ready to run again yet. I feel heavy and clumsy and ungraceful. But I have hope, in so many more ways now than I did just a week ago.

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