Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The equivalent of tongue-tied

I guess that would be writer’s block, hmm?

Not much to say this morning. I try to throw up a daily post during the week, taking the weekends off. (Which is ridiculous, because I don’t have a 9-to-5 weekday job; I have seven-day weekends every week.) But sometimes there’s just nothing in my brain that needs to come out.

Lessee, I finished painting the end table bases yesterday and they look great. I recovered the lampshades and they look “homemade with love,” if you know what I mean. But they’ll do; I might be overly critical of my fabric-glue skills. My husband didn’t even notice! I guess if they were truly ugly he would have said something.

I’m knitting four little bunnies for Easter gifts for the four younger grandchildren. I think the 8- and 12-year-olds are beyond the stuffed bunny stage, and I’m sure they do, too. This is the simplest pattern in the world – knit a square, sew a few strategic stitches, stuff it and you’re done.

I found time over the weekend to walk on the treadmill both days, about 40 minutes each time. Today looks like a great day to walk outside. I have a haircut appointment at 1 p.m. and my volunteer gig at the prison tonight, so that means a morning walk and no time to work on any house projects today.

I’m anxious to start sanding and priming a curio cabinet that is currently a hideous gold color. I’m going to paint it dark red, to match our couch, and then apply a mahogany stain to it. Then I’m going to sand some of the edges to make it look all shabby-chic. I just hope it works.

Still maintaining that 8-pound loss. I’m pretty much convinced that in order to lose more I’ll have to go back to Phase 1 for more than two weeks. I’m not quite ready yet, but I’m getting there.

I wasn’t so tongue-tied after all, was I?


Fat[free]Me said...

Oh, gosh, that bunny pattern is adorable and will have me checking out the stash for something suitable to try too!

I am new to your blog and I likes it - sounds like you are busy at the moment, at least it stops the nibbles.

Lori G. said...

Those bunnies look adorable!

You've been quite the busy lady and I'm impressed (and jealous!) I don't think you're tongue-tied at all! You have a lot going on.

Doc Manette said...

Sounds like you are enjoying the home furniture redeux . . . that curio sounds like it will look so chic - I love red.

Nice 40 minute walks on your treadmill. My parents have a new treadmill collecting dust. I really need to jump up on it.

Laura N said...

Yay for the 8 pound loss maintained!

I was thinking of you the other day, while I was googling the country music marathon for 2010. It's nagging at my brain, that I want to run a full marathon in April 2010 for my 40th bday. I know it's a year away, but I figure I'll need a year to train to run 26 miles. Maybe if you're in the market for a 1/2 (or full?) next year, you'd sign up? I haven't signed up yet, but if I run one that's likely to be the one since it's close & I have family in Nashville.

Your furniture changes sound lovely.

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