Monday, November 15, 2010


That stand for "keep on keepin' on," and that's what I've been doing.

Despite the lack of weight loss, I've continued to walk daily since October 1. I'm up to four miles a day, and I've added a mile on a few of those days. Total mileage last week was 30.78 miles.

Not bad for an old broad. Heh.

Other than walking, I didn't get a lot done yesterday. Visited a friend for too short a time in the morning.  Helped my husband take some equipment to our pond, so he could clear out some brush. Dinner was crockpot rotisserie chicken (this recipe is fabulous!), along with spicy baked sweet potato fries and kale – all of which practically cooked itself.

Thanks for your comments on Friday's post. Twenty years is a long time to live in reality. Sometimes the pain of reality can be almost too much to bear. But the pain of blackouts, hangovers and other dire consequences is worse. As long as I remember that, I can manage. I also need to remember that I'm not in charge!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is the recipe I use for chicken and really like it. With only the two of us, I cut up much of the leftovers and freeze it for quick casseroles. Like having several packets of "canned" chicken in the pantry but so much better.

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