Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25 - Heart

Bleeding hearts, still blooming beautifully at the garden center today.


E. Jane said...

Very lovely, Debbi. I wonder where the term "bleeding hearts" comes from when it's used to describe a very compassionate person.

Anonymous said...

I've always liked bleeding heearts, and plan to have one once we finish the addition and get past the droughts. I envy you your tomatoes - it's so dry here, and I hear we're a good 12 inches behind on rainfall.
On an earlier post (yeah, I'm catching up) you mention your healthy Amish neighbors. There's a store in our town that claims to be Amish - a lot of what's in there is no different that what's in other stores. I believe they buy in bulk and repackage. I can't believe that the Amish buy their pie filling in long plastic tubes.

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