Monday, April 1, 2013

Fresh start

NaBloPoMo's theme for April is FRESH. Which is good for April here in the northern hemisphere, where we're all giddy with excitement at ditching our fleece jackets and pulling out the cotton tees again. I'm not putting the fleece in storage quite yet, but soon. Soon.

It's a Monday and the first of the month. I wonder how many people are rebooting their New Year's Resolutions this morning?

As both of you know, my fresh [health-and-fitness] start began not on January 1, but on the day after Christmas. So here we are, the day after Easter, and how am I doing?

Well, I didn't expect another loss after last week's two pounds gone. But I didn't expect to get them back. I've been bouncing around this weight since mid-February. I'm now losing a half-pound a week, and it will be 2015 before I reach my goal. (LoseIt! optimistically predicts January 27, 2014, but that's based on losing a pound a week. WHICH AIN'T HAPPENING!)

I could analyze the numbers and make plans and cry into my coffee, but none of that is going to change the fact that I've worked really, REALLY hard for not much reward. If you base your reward on the scale. Which I do. But I shouldn't. And I know I shouldn't. The reward is healthier! Fitter! Almost wearing jeans again!

I love having all the data at my fingertips. In the past 95 days, I've been over my daily calorie budget for eight of them, and have been at a deficit every damned week. I've worked out way more days than I haven't. The strength-training I added this week should eventually help IF I stay consistent with it. And starting work at the garden center will help, too, as I'll be on my feet instead of on my ass for eight or nine more hours per week.

Let's see, what else.

My pledge to purge my e-mail subscriptions has been very successful. I've lost 50 pounds of junk e-mail and gained an hour a day to play solitaire. Yay, me!

And to wrap up Lent, yesterday my husband and I each filled a trash bag with random stuff we know we can live without. It's a start. A FRESH START. Heh.


Winnie said...

I think being proactive like you are, you are going in the right direction even if it isn't as fast as you want. I see people losing fast and it comes back on fast too (I know, I have done it...) My goal is to tackle my basement and start purging stuff (have my late hubby's things, his late mother's etc..) I just couldn't toss stuff, but plan to gather my courage and start that one. I bet I will feel better too. More space is always a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, at the rate I lose it would probably be 2035 or so...

On the other hand, you may not necessarily stay at the same RATE of loss - maybe something will cause it to pick up!

Debbi said...

That something will, undoubtedly, be the strength training. I wish I could transfer half of my love of walking for half of your love of weightlifting. Perhaps "love" isn't the right word, but you know what I mean.

Unknown said...

I'm losing about 1/4 pound per week. Fun stuff, weight loss.

eyeEEsha said...

Funny you should mention rebooting New Year's resolutions. I've been thinking of April as a month to start off fresh. I'm just so glad that winter is finally over (for the most part). Good luck on your weight loss journey. I'm totally in the same boat as you only it appears that I've been a lot less disciplined.

jasmine said...

might be worth taking some other measurements in addition to those numbers on the scale -- sometimes they change when the scale doesn't...I am not buying that it is muscle that weighs more than fat like everyone says but stuff does sometimes move around.

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