Sunday, April 14, 2013

If you've got nothing to say, don't say it

The title of today's post explains yesterday's absence from blogland. I posted the photo to keep the NaBloPoMo streak going, but not much else seemed noteworthy enough to write it down.

Today, there are a couple things.

First, beneath the ad in the left sidebar are links to blog posts. I think BlogHer randomly throws them up there, and my posts have been featured several times. Not because they're so great, but because they get picked randomly, and I write a lot. The one that's up there now (it will change soon, they don't stay up for long) has the same title as one from 2012. And probably the same title as a hundred other bloggers on any random day.

Creative title FAIL!

Next, Denise commented on yesterday's photo, not about the photo but about finding a printout of an old, old, old, pre-Knit Run Repeat blog post, back when I was the Shrinking Knitter. Ah, those were the days. I'm so flattered that she printed something out and saved it. I'M IN PRINT! Heh. What's interesting is that the post was written a couple days after Christmas in 2007, and I talk about starting over the day after Christmas instead of on January 1. I wonder what I weighed then? Certainly it was less than what I do now.

So, how's that starting over on December 26 working for you, Shrinking Knitter?

And finally, Foursquare sent me an email all about a new feature that suggests places or events you might like, based on previous check-ins. I've always thought that feature should have been built in from Day One. Which is probably why I've never used it. I've had the app for a long time, but I don't think about checking in because, really, WHERE DO I GO? I did, however, check in today and learned that I joined Foursquare a year ago today.

How weird is that? I also got their NEWBIE badge – my first check-in!

So that wraps up the thoughts rattling around in my pretty little head this morning. I'm going to leave you with the photo I took on yesterday's walk. These walking photos are always hit or miss. Frequently the sun is shining so brightly I can't even see the screen on my phone. I literally point and shoot, hoping for the best. This one … the lighting, the composition, the dreamy quality of it … I just love it. And I wish you all had been walking with me, because it was four miles of babbling brooks and chirping birds, and you would have loved it, too.

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