Sunday, June 8, 2014

Swing … and a miss

Missed my 35-mile goal by three this week. Yes, I could go out right now, and I thought about it. But I'm really not very awake.

I'll be on the road for much of the day, and there will be no opportunity to work it in later. But it's fine. I'm more than a little compulsive about this, wouldn't you say? Heh.

It's been a good week, all in all, even missing a couple days of walking. Food has been fine, and I'm accomplishing a few little outdoor projects that have been on my list. The garden is completely weeded unless something has popped up overnight.

I started cleaning out the perennial beds lining the driveway yesterday – a HUGE job and one that will take several days to complete. But the nice thing about starting is the gratification I get from looking at the cleaned-out section, and looking forward to seeing all of it done and ready to plant.

I also cut back some kind of shrub that was blocking our view of oncoming traffic as we exited the driveway … wouldn't want to pull out in front of a horse and buggy! I have a grand plan for the whole sloping area to the left of the driveway. It constantly needs to be cut back, so I'd like to put down a cardboard kill mulch this fall and then plant sedum (which I can dig up from other areas of the yard – yay! Free plants!) and let it spread. I have some zebra grasses at the top of the slope which are teeny tiny now, but will be lovely when they mature.

Three areas remain that need lots of attention, and one is the herb bed, which I can barely force myself to look at. It was so pretty when I planted it, and it's such a mess now. The others are a tiny bed of peonies which needs to be weeded and the blackberries need a major cutting back. The old canes are growing every which way and the flowers are on the new growth, so I don't think I'll hurt anything by chopping them.

What I'm finding with all this yard work is that I absolutely CAN do a couple hours' of hard labor AND take a long walk AND do laundry/fix meals/clean the house/go shopping ALL on the same day. That couldn't and didn't happen 46 pounds ago. More incentive to keep doing what I've been doing.

Here's to a good week coming up – for all of us!

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