Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Pride, gratitude and compassion

When this headline
pops up as you're contemplating how to create a new you in the new year, how can you not click it? I couldn't.

And it turned out to be an interesting piece, one I'll reread as I approach my start date.

Which I still haven't determined.

In the time between now and Day One of Whole 30 I don't intend to pig out or go whole hog eating unhealthy food. (Pigs don't get much respect when it comes to idioms, do they?) I don't do that normally, so there's no need to begin now.

When faced with tempting food, I've been able, over many years, to learn to remind myself that it will be there later. Or I can always get more. Which may or may not be true, depending on the situation. I don't anticipate staring down a once-in-a-lifetime food choice, however. Eating food that might derail my plan, however, can be postponed.

I guess I started using this mind trick during the first Whole 30. I'm not sure, but it would make sense to tell myself then that the end date is coming and I could wait for whatever it is I thought I wanted.

Looking back, I was applying these emotions – pride, gratitude, and compassion – to myself. And it worked. 

Today will be one of those days where food choices are out of my control and my time will not my own. But while I'm in a dentist's reception area, waiting for a denture to be repaired, I can begin reading one of those Kindle books I said I wanted to read. (I added a bunch of them to my Goodreads account. Now I need to remember to use Goodreads to monitor my progress.)

Yesterday I used the treadmill. For an hour. Which was the only way I was going to get 10,000 steps, which is the only way I'm going to eventually get 1500 miles. I may not be able to get on the treadmill today at all, or it may happen this evening. It's going to be that kind of day. Either way, I'm going to have some compassion for myself on a stressful day (keeping in mind that having a denture repaired is, truly, pretty low on the stress scale), and gratitude that I have choices about when, how, and even whether I fit a workout in today.

It won't be the end of the world if I don't. 

Thanks for reading. 

Be kind.

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