Sunday, January 14, 2018

The best-laid plans

No movie after all yesterday. My late-morning workout + icy-cold weather + WVU basketball game combined to tip the scales toward staying home. We lost the game by one point, our second loss of the season, and we'll slip back down in the national rankings. It was good to be #2 for a week, though!

I roasted vegetables and sliced chicken/garlic sausage for dinner last night, which is always good and Whole 30-compliant. I needed to bake a cake (for Mike to take to his church dinner) while we ate dinner, but we ended up eating by candlelight. The electricity went out suddenly just as I was putting the cake in the oven.

It took a couple hours for a crew to arrive. Ours was the only property on our road that didn't have
power. Turned out to be a part on our electric pole that just happened to be on their truck, or who knows how long we would have been sidelined.

So that's the second time this month (and year) we've lit the candles in the fireplace. Our home is all electric, so we had no heat, and while candles aren't big providers of warmth, they do offer a bit of relief, and they're lovely to look at. The indoor temperature went down rapidly, and we were wearing two layers of clothing by the time Mon Power arrived.

(We have no idea if the fireplace has ever been lit, and we're not willing to experiment until it's been inspected. Fireplace inspection is on the 2018 to-do list.)

I had a bit of a panicky moment looking for my auxiliary phone charger. Finally found it in a messenger bag in a closet and put it to work. I'm so utterly dependent on my phone. The charger has been deposited in my purse, fully charged and ready for duty the next time I need it.

And there will be a next time.

Today is Day Seven of the Whole 30. Nearly a quarter of the way there. I feel like I have a little more energy, not so much to accomplish tasks, but having the motivation to accomplish the tasks. The empty bookshelves we moved into the bedroom were only empty for a few hours. After dinner Friday, I moved three shelves of my books from the living room to the bedroom. I normally do nothing after dinner except load the dishwasher, so I felt like that was a major accomplishment. And I didn't feel tired or cranky about it, either. I'll give clean eating the credit.

I finished reading Tips for Living and started the second (of 26) book for 2018. Goodreads is giving away a Kindle copy of Tips; click the link before January 31 to enter.

We'll get out to catch The Post soon. The coming week is pretty busy, but we'll figure it out, and since it's such a hit I imagine it's not going away from the local-ish theaters any time soon.

Today would be an excellent day to be kind.

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