Thursday, June 24, 2021

A somewhat normal day

I ate healthfully yesterday, spent far too much time playing games on my phone (I've always said they are brain games, but honestly, it's an escape mechanism, lately), and took a nice, long, solo walk. Didn't talk to a single clinic or health care professional all day. That's what made it somewhat normal.

I forgot to tune in at 3 pm to the meal-planning webinar I'd registered for. But I looked at the handout, and it didn't really tell me anything I haven't already read about. I fall short putting it into practice. 

Figuring out what to have for dinner is an almost daily dilemma around here, and is largely based on what I have on hand. Since the nearest grocery is 12 miles away, I keep a well-stocked pantry and there's generally plenty of frozen beef, pork, and poultry in stock. 

But I guess when you plan meals ahead of time, you make a grocery list at the same time. What a concept! 

I don't feel like I need to plan breakfasts or lunches. I always have wraps, low-fat cheese, tuna, eggs, etc., and can come up with something to get me through the day.

Dinners, though? Yeah. I need to plan dinners. 

For now, with anticipated travel for medical stuff, I guess I'll just keep winging it. 

Although … I'm getting the car serviced in a couple of hours, and will be just one mile from that grocery. Plenty of time to plan for at least the next three days. 

Baby steps.

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