Thursday, August 12, 2010


Headline from my hometown newspaper:

Are you freaking kidding me? Is it so bad out there that counterfeiters are reduced to passing fake ones and fives?

I'm sorry, but that's a hell of a way to make a living. And how embarrassing is it going to be for this guy in prison, when he admits he forged small bills instead of the customary $20s-and-up?

I'll stop. You're right. This has nothing to do with knitting, running, reaping or eating.

Still working on my little cabled bowls. Two are done. I need to make some tags for them and take them to my neighbor's shop; she's very excited to add them to her inventory.

See the first sentence in the second paragraph, above. It's been so damned hot and humid here that running for an overweight, out-of-shape woman is, well, a distant dream. The combination of cooler temperatures and less produce to preserve should mean I can at least begin a walking program again in a couple of weeks.

About all that's left to harvest are tomatoes, eggplant, cantaloupe, watermelon and winter squash. And a row of late snow peas which have just started to flower. I have to shell the dried cranberry beans, edamame and black-eyed peas. The melons are still ripening, which gives us much to look forward to!

Dinner last night was my go-to dish when I'm busy, penne with pesto sauce, chicken and whatever vegetables I have that need to be eaten. (Eggplant, zucchini, onions, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms. Mmmm.)

I did end up making a to-do list yesterday and checked off more than half the items. Eight down, five to go. Except that I've added a couple more things to the list. I guess that's the nature of to-do lists.

Or busy people.

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