Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New month, new goal

First, though, Leslie wanted before-and-after photos of the clogs. Here you go!
On the left, the knitting is done but they look like clown shoes, and measure 15” from heel to toe. On the right, after three trips through the washer, they measure 11” and should fit my sister perfectly. I hope!
I spoke with my fitness-oriented son-in-law yesterday. He called to tell me his plantar fascia tear has healed and he's out of the walking boot. He's been sidelined for a couple months and has been very anxious to get active again.

He helped me work out a reasonable (I hope) goal for December. I told him I wasn't as interested in increasing distance as I was in increasing intensity. (By the way, mileage for November was 132 and a fraction.) So the new challenge is to do a total of 135 miles, which is an average of 4.5 miles per day, but make 35 of those miles running. This seems both practical and possible if the weather isn't totally crappy this month. I can always do the running miles on the treadmill if I have to. I have no problem walking on icy or snowy roads, but running – because of the hills and uneven terrain – wouldn't be safe.

Thanks for the input on wearing mittens in North Carolina. I love mine, and think a busy mom would find them very useful, since the flip-top mitten part folds back to leave your fingers free to do whatever. I can never remember the name of the pattern, but I'll look at it again tonight and try to find a link to post tomorrow. It's not a free pattern, but it's worth every penny.

I have to run, I have a dentist's appointment this morning and will do some errands while I'm out. The real run/walk will happen later this afternoon.

You might be wondering how the Great Calorie Increase Experiment worked this week. Quite nicely, actually. I lost two pounds! Again! I'm astonished, and very motivated to keep it up. Denise's suggestion to drink some calories is something I've been doing. I love mixing a little vanilla and a spoonful of sorghum in a glass of warm milk in the evening. (Got that idea from my Amish neighbors.)

Okay, off to get my teeth cleaned!


E. Jane said...

Hi Debbi,

I just found you blog, and enjoyed reading. I will be back and following. By the way, your evening milk drink sounded interesting, but what is sohrgum? I may want to try this.

Leslie said...

The slippers are great! You did a wonderful job on them Don't you love felting?

Great goal of intensifying your walking. Doable, and it will be beneficial as a bonus.

E. Jane said...

I was recently tagged by Leslie to answer four questions, and in return, I have to tag four other bloggers. I chose blogs that are new to me and that I like. You're one of the lucky?? ones! I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone.

The questions are:

1. Who has had the most influence in your life? In what way has the person (or people) influenced you?
2. What is your favorite quality about yourself? Similarly, what characteristic would you like to change, lose or modify?
3. When was the last time you cried?
4. What was your very best vacation ever and why

denise said...

LOVE the slippers. You are SO talented - I'm completely envious. I have given up knitting for now and gone back to my cross-stitch.

Spent several hours at it this weekend while catching up on Mentalist episodes (from last season - I'm still about 15 shows behind!). I'd forgotten how much I actually like to do it.

Good luck on your December goals. Hopefully the weather will improve from today's.

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